Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

TotalEnergies Marketing Lebanon undertakes to make its internet, intranet and extranet website and its software packages accessible in accordance with article 47 of law n°2005-102 of February 11th 2005.

For this purpose, it implements the following strategy and actions:

This accessibility statement applies to

Compliance status is in partial compliance with the General accessibility Guidelines (RGAA), version 4.1 due to the non-conformities and exemptions listed below.

Test results 

The website has been designed using the TotalEnergies website factory, which allows TotalEnergies to create numerous websites from the same structure. All the components that can be published from this website factory are visible from a demonstrator.
The website factory has undergone extensive accessibility work, which means that the structure of all websites designed from the website factory has the same level of accessibility as the demonstrator.
To conduct an RGAA compliance audit for each of the 194 websites created (and more to come) from the website factory is a disproportionate burden.

The compliance audit conducted by Atalan was therefore carried out on the demonstrator, the showcase website for the website factory. It revealed that:

  • 76% of the criteria of the RGAA version 4.1 are met.

It should be noted that the audit did not include an audit of the website’s editorial content (articles, news, events, etc.). In order to guarantee a good level of accessibility for the editorial content TotalEnergies has implemented the following actions:

  • Verification that the editorial update interface allows for accessible uploading of content and integration of accessible input help.
  • Integration of all editorial accessibility rules into the contribution guide provided to the editorial teams.
  • Workshops to raise awareness on editorial accessibility.
  • Random audits were performed by the digital governance on the accessibility of editorial content of websites, designed on the website factory with warnings directed to website managers when non accessible content is identified.

Non accessible content 

Details regarding non-conformities

The following criteria was identified as non-compliant during the accessibility audit of the demonstrator:

  • 1.2 Is each decorative image correctly ignored by the technological assistance?
  • 2.1 Does each online frame have a frame title?
  • 3.2 On each web page, is the contrast between the color of the text and the color of the background sufficiently high (except in specific cases)?
  • 3.3 On each web page, are the colors used in the interface components or graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasting (except in specific cases)?
  • 7.1 If necessary, is each script compatible with the technology’s assistance?
  • 7.3 Is each script controllable by the keyboard and by all pointing devices (except in specific cases)?
  • 8.7 On each web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (except specific cases)?
  • 8.9 On every web page, tags should not be used for presentation purposes only. Is this rule respected?
  • 9.1 On each web page is the information structured by the appropriate use of heading?
  • 9.2 On each web page is the structure consistent (excluding specific cases)?
  • 10.1 Are style sheets used to control the presentation of information on the website?
  • 10.10 On every web page, information should not be given by shape, size or position alone. Is this rule applied in a meaningful way?
  • 11.9 Is the title of each button on each form relevant (excluding specific cases)?
  • 11.13 Can the result of the input form be guessed to facilitate the automatic filling with user data?
  • 13.3 On each web page, if necessary, does each downloaded document have an accessible version (excluding specific cases)?

Exemptions for disproportionate burden

  • The correction of code validity errors (criteria 8.2) has been quantified and estimated as a disproportionate burden in the current state of the platform.
  • The following components, available in the website factory (note that these components are not necessarily present on this website) were not audited because they were rarely used, or were not corrected because the correction represented too great a burden in relation to the frequency of use of these components:
    • Audio block (non-frequent use, nonfunctional)
    • Slider of publications (non-frequent use, doomed to disappear)
    • Comparative table (not frequently used, planned to be redesigned)
    • Conditional research (non-frequent use, nonfunctional)
    • Filterable list page (disproportionate burden)

Exemptions for disproportionate burden

  • Tealium cookie management tool
  • AddThis share buttons
  • Google ReCaptcha system
  • Damdy (Wedia) video player

Establishment of this accessibility declaration

Technologies used for the realization of

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • ARIA
  • CMS Drupal

Test environment

The content rendering checks were carried out on the basis of the combinations provided by the RGAA 4.1, reference base, with the following versions:

  • Firefox 86
  • NVDA 2020.3
  • JAWS 2020
  • Android Talkback

Tools for assessing accessibility

The content rendering checks were carried out on the basis of the combinations provided by the RGAA 4.1, reference base, with the following versions:

  • Color Contrast Analyser
  • Firefox development tools
  • Web Developer (Firefox extensions)

Pages of the demonstrator that were subject to the compliance check.

The sample on which the audit was carried out does include the mandatory pages defined by the RGAA.

  1.  Home
  2. Contact
  3. Legal notice
  4. Accessibility
  5.  Site map
  6. Cover with one link (carrousel)
  7. Digital graphic chart
  8. Audit blocks
  9. Follow us
  10. Business article
  11. News page
  12. News list
  13. Search results including the term « TotalEnergies »
  14. FAQ
  15. Presentation of TotalEnergies Web Factory

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access a content or a service you can contact the person in charge of to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain content in another form.


Use this procedure in the following case.
You have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing content or services on the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.